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2015年11月02日15:40 来源:小站整理
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摘要:GMAT语法题,又称句子改错题(sentence correction),是整个GMAT考试中对考生英语语法能力考查要求最高的题型,也往往是中国学生最为头疼的一类真题。怎样做好GMAT语法题?本文将结合经典真题实例解析做题思路和方法技巧。

GMAT语法题,又称句子改错题(sentence correction),是整个GMAT考试中对考生英语语法能力考查要求最高的题型,也往往是中国学生最为头疼的一类题目。没有扎实的语法基础和一定的逻辑分析能力,想要做好语法题难度极高。怎样做好GMAT语法题?下面小编就通过一些经典真题的实例解析,为大家全面讲解GMAT语法题的解题思路和方法技巧。



At the end of the 1930s, Duke Ellington was looking for a composer to assist him – someone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his eccentric writing style as well in order to finish the many pieces he had started but never completed.

(A) someone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his eccentric writing style as well in order to finish

(B) someone who could not only arrange music for his successful big band, but also mirror his eccentric writing style in order to finish

(C) someone who not only could arrange music for his successful big band, but also to mirror his eccentric writing style in finishing

(D) that being someone who could not only arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his eccentric writing style for finishing

(E) being someone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his eccentric writing style as well, finishing



(A)someone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his eccentric writing style as well in order to finish

【错误】 平行结构:“not only X, but also Y” (“only”可换成“just”、“merely”等,“also”可以省略)属于平行结构,X与Y代表的结构必须严格平行,即语法功能一致、逻辑含义对等,此处“not only”和“but”连接的结构语法功能不一致,因此不平行。

(B)someone who could not only arrange music for his successful big band, but also mirror his eccentric writing style in order to finish

【正确】 “not only arrange……but also mirror……”正确地使用了平行结构

【大意】 在20世纪90年代末,Duke Ellington正在寻找能够帮助他的作曲家——一个不仅能为他的成功品牌编排音乐也能反映出大的超凡风格来完成它已经开是创作但尚未完成的乐谱的人。

(C)someone who not only could arrange music for his successful big band, but also to mirror his eccentric writing style in finishing

【错误】 平行结构:见(A)。

(D)that being someone who could not only arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his eccentric writing style for finishing

【错误】 平行结构:见(A)。

(E)being someone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirror his eccentric writing style as well, finishing

【错误】 平行结构:见(A)。


看到平行结构标志词“not only……but……”立即判断两边是否平行,从而,直接选出(B)。





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