【最新GMAT阅读资料】 希拉里妄称若当选将严惩中国违法行为
- 2016年04月22日17:21 来源:互联网
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A day after losing Wisconsin, White House hopefulHillary Clinton unleashed a blistering critique ofChina while campaigning last Wednesday in blue-collar Pennsylvania, warning the Asian giant must"toe the line" if she becomes president.
The eastern US state, where organized labor is aninfluential force, hosts its presidential primaries onApril 26.
"China illegally dumps cheap products in our markets, steals our trade secrets, plays gameswith their currency, gives unfair advantages to state-owned-enterprises and discriminatesagainst American companies," she said. "We will throw the book at China for their illegalactions."
Clinton's remarks, delivered to a state AFL-CIO union convention in Philadelphia, were amongher most forceful campaign trail comments about Beijing.
Clinton, seeking to regain her footing in the nomination race after losing six of the last sevenstate contests, pointed to her experience as secretary of state as a measure of her ability toinfluence Beijing.
"I've gone toe to toe with China's top leaders on some of the toughest issues we face, fromcyber attacks to human rights to climate change to trade and more," she said. "I know how theyoperate, and they know if I'm president, they're going to have to toe the line, because we'regoing to once and for all get fair treatment, or they're not going to get access to our markets."
At one point she refered to China as "the biggest abuser of global trade."
Clinton defeated Barack Obama in Pennsylvania in their 2008 primary battle, thanks to supportfrom union Democrats, and she aims to repeat her victory in three weeks' time.
But she will need to reassure workers who have criticized her late opposition to the trans-Pacific trade deal recently signed by President Barack Obama. Sanders has steadfastly opposedthe agreement from Day One.
"My message to every worker in Pennsylvania, every worker across America is this: I will standwith you, I will have your back and I will stop dead in its tracks any trade deal that hurtsAmerica," Clinton said. She also criticized Sanders, insisting that "in a number of importantareas, he doesn't have a plan at all."
希拉里表示:“我希望对宾夕法尼亚州及全国的工人说,我会与你们同行,我会支持你们,我会阻止任何损害美国利益的贸易协定。” 她同时不忘批评桑德斯,声称他在一些重要领域中,“完全没有计划”。
Clinton leads Sanders by 52.7 percent to 35 percent in a RealClearPolitics poll average,although the latest poll, released by Quinnipiac University on Tuesday, puts Clinton just sixpoints ahead. She is well ahead in the nominations race, but she has suffered stinging defeatsfor two weeks.
A win in the New York primary April 19 is seen as crucial for her preventing Sanders fromsnatching the nomination. But the self-described democratic socialist from Vermont ispopular with the rank and file.
"I don't think she's a bad person, and if she wins the nomination I'll vote for her," said DonLong, 39, a union telecommunications worker. But considering "somebody who is as solidlybehind organized labor as Bernie Sanders is," Long added, "you got to go with BernieSanders."
39岁的电讯工人唐·朗说:“我不认为希拉里是坏人。假如她取得提名,我会投她一票。” 但他补充说道,假如要挑选一直支持工会工人的候选人,桑德斯则是不二之选。