- 2015年06月18日15:37 来源:小站整理
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GMAT句子改错题(sentence correction),是整个GMAT考试中对考生英语语法能力考查要求最高的题型,也往往是中国学生最为头疼的一类题目。没有扎实的语法基础和一定的逻辑分析能力,想要做好句子改错题难度极高。如何提升GMAT句子改错题的解题能力?下面小编就为大家整理了一些经典例题,结合实例分析为大家讲解GMAT句子改错题的解题思路和方法技巧。
A mutual fund having billions dollars in assets will typically invest that money in hundreds of companies, rarely holding more than one percent of the shares of any particular corporation.
(A) companies, rarely holding more than one percent
(B) companies, and it is rare to hold at least one percent or more
(C) companies and rarely do they hold more than one percent
(D) companies, so that they rarely hold more than one percent
(E) companies; rarely do they hold one percent or more
(A)companies, rarely holding more than one percent
【正确】 “rarely holding more than one percent”是主谓结构“A mutual fund……will typically invest that money……”的伴随状语,修饰谓语“will typically invest”且与之同(逻辑)主语——“A mutual fund”,表意准确合理。
【大意】 拥有数十亿美元资产的共同基金通常将这笔钱投资到数百个公司上,很少会持有超过任一特定公司百分之一的股份。
(B)companies, and it is rare to hold at least one percent or more
【错误】 句子意思:“it is rare to hold at least one percent or more……”中“it”为形式主语指代“to hold at least one percent or more……”,但是语法上无法确定“to hold”的逻辑主语是谁,因此只能泛泛地表达“持有超过1%的股份是很罕见的”,而(A)中“, rarely holding”作“invest”的伴随状语,与其(逻辑)主语同为“mutual fund”,表意优于本选项。
(C)companies and rarely do they hold more than one percent
【错误】 代词指代:“they”语法上只能指代“companies”,但“hold more than one percent of the shares of any particular corporation”的主语并不应该是“companies”而应是“mutual fund”,说的是基金分散风险的投资行为。
(D)companies, so that they rarely hold more than one percent
【错误】 固定搭配:相邻使用的“so that” 连接的是“目的”,而不是像“so……that……”一样“that”后引导结果。
(E)companies; rarely do they hold one percent or more
【错误】 代词指代:见(C)。
(D)误用了固定搭配“so that”,立即排除。