MBA面试经验大公开 美国佐治敦大学8个刁钻问题你能HOLD住吗?
- 2015年10月10日18:55 来源:小站整理
- 参与(1) 阅读(7354)
Georgetown University 美国佐治敦大学
上周四收到面试通知,于是去网上book了时间。我选的是one on one的interview。
面试官是Shari Hubert,Associate Dean of Admission。YouTube上有她的视频,可以试着习惯一下她说话的节奏。
30分钟的follow-up resume的问答,15分钟的写作。
1.Why MBA
2.Career path
3.What are you most passionate about
4.Tell me a situation when you can move forward but you choose to step back
5.Your leadership style
6.Other school applied?
7.What criterion
8.Tell me a situation with regard to principle leadership (kind confused)
The end
1.any chance for international student to obtain certificate of foreign affairs
2.Why you choose georgetown as an advancement to your career, what attracted you the most during your life at Gtown