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最新GMAT北美真题摆事实讲道理 如何巧妙规避2类语法题常见错误

2016年06月07日18:33 来源:小站教育作者:orangejojo
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摘要:GMAT语法Sentence Correction中的时态(Tense)问题是一大考点,围绕着时态经常会出现一些难题和干扰选项。小站教育特邀GMAT讲师结合2016年最新回忆GMAT北美真题为大家解析语法中关于时态的高频出题考点,并梳理汇总2类最常见错误,帮助考生节约复习时间。


最新GMAT北美真题摆事实讲道理 如何巧妙规避2类语法题常见错误图1





1. 时态多余性

例句:Richard Nixon was elected US President in 1968, but as the incumbent Vice President he had run in 1960 and had been defeated by John F. Kennedy.


Richard Nixon was elected US President in 1968, but as the incumbent Vice President he ran in 1960 and was defeated by John F. Kennedy.

2. 虚拟语气

例句:If I had known beforehand about the full cost of the program, I never would have joined.


Had I known beforehand about the full cost of the program, I never would have joined.

最新GMAT北美真题摆事实讲道理 如何巧妙规避2类语法题常见错误图2



1. James Joyce wrote the novel Ulysses through the teens and published it in 1922, although in 1906, when he was finishing the short story collection Dubliners, he had considered the addition of another story about the canvasser Bloom, who was Jewish and who later was the title Ulysses character.

(A) he had considered the addition of another story about the canvasser Bloom, who was Jewish and who later was the title Ulysses character.

(B) he had been considering that he add an additional extra story, the Jewish canvasser Bloom, and to later make him the Ulysses‘ title character.

(C) considering the inclusion of the story of Bloom, the Jewish canvasser who would become the Ulyssestitle character later

(D) he considered including another story about the Jewish canvasser Bloom, who later would be the title character of the Ulysses

(E) he considered adding the Jewish canvasser Bloom’s story, and Bloom later would have become theUlysses title character

解析:A语法没错,但读上去不太通顺,同时,title Ulysses character在语序上很有问题,非常不自然,因此错误。

B问题严重。进行时considering毫无必要,之后以that引导的从句更是莫名其妙。最大的问题在于that he add...and to later make这个错误的平行结构。另外,分裂不定式(在to和动词间插入副词)在GMAT语法中向来被认为是错误用法。



E选项the Jewish canvasser Bloom's story在顺序结构上略有瑕疵,之后假设语气扭曲了句子原意,所以错误。

2. Long before Thomas Edison made a long-lasting and commercially viable incandescent lightbulb, the British chemist Sir Humphry Davy in 1802 created the first prototype of the lightbulb, that was too bright and burned out too quickly.

(A) in 1802 created the first prototype of the lightbulb, that was

(B) made the first prototype in 1802, but it was

(C) had created in 1802 the first prototype of the lightbulb, although this would be

(D) had created the 1802 prototype, the first one, which had been

(E) in 1802 had made the first prototype, but this would be



C过去完成时的使用累赘没有必要。因为long before和1802本身已经能够体现出时间先后顺序,另外最后的虚拟语气也有问题。

D同样存在过去完成时累赘问题。另外the 1802 prototype, the first one这样的语序也很糟糕而且不明确,所以错误。


3. In 1871, Charles Darwin published The Descent of Man, and before that, Gregor Mendel already had discovered the principles of genetics, using his famous pea plant experiments, and ultimately they would explain and justify Darwin’s conclusions.

(A) In 1871, Charles Darwin published The Descent of Man, and before that, Gregor Mendel already had discovered the principles of genetics, using his famous pea plant experiments, and ultimately they would explain and justify Darwin’s conclusions

(B) By the time Charles Darwin published The Descent of Man in 1871, Gregor Mendel already had discovered, during his famous pea plant experiments, the genetic principles that ultimately would explain and justify Darwin’s conclusions

(C) Gregor Mendel already discovered the principles of genetics during his famous pea plant experiments, and although later Charles Darwin published The Descent of Man in 1871, these principles ultimately would explain and justify the conclusions of Darwin.

(D) With Charles Darwin publishing The Descent of Man in 1871, Gregor Mendel discovered already before this the principles of genetics during his famous pea plant experiments, principles that ultimately would explain and justify the conclusions of Darwin

(E) Before Charles Darwin publishing The Descent of Man in 1871, already Gregor Mendel had conducted the famous pea plants experiments and had discovered the principles of genetics, but these principles ultimately would explain and justify Darwin’s conclusions

解析:A选项before that和过去完成时使用上显得累赘,代词they存在指代模糊不清的问题。所以错误。



D错误使用了with伴随状语的的结构,把两个时间前后不同的句子强行联系在了一起,实际上两者之间并不存在伴随关系。另外,already before this的句子顺序问题非常不通顺,存在严重问题。


4. Had the quantitative skills of Boustrophedon’s CEO been on par with his extraordinary intuition in negotiations, he would not have needed such a brilliant expert in finance as his CFO.

(A) Had the quantitative skills of Boustrophedon’s CEO been on par with his extraordinary intuition in negotiations

(B) If the Boustrophedon’s CEO’s quantitative skills equaled his extraordinary negotiation intuition

(C) In the case that the quantitative skills of Boustrophedon’s CEO were comparable to his extraordinary skill of using intuition in negotiations

(D) If Boustrophedon’s CEO’s skills for quantitative material were on par to his extraordinary intuition in negotiations

(E) If the quantitative skills of Boustrophedon’s CEO were a comparable ability for his extraordinary intuition in negotiations


B问题较多。首先the Boustrophedon's CEO's quantitative skills和his extraordinary negotiation intuition语序上都有严重的不通顺问题,堆积在一起只会让句子显得即不美观又难以阅读。其次,equal这个词意思太过,on par with指两者势均力敌,而equal代表着两者完全相同可以互换,这显然与句意不符,整个改变了原意,所以错误。


D双重所有格Boustrophedon's CEO's skills的用法在GMAT考试中向来不受待见,正确选项里很少见到。另外,on par to这个用法是错误的,正确搭配只有on par with。

Ewere a comparable ability for这个用法直接用来做比较是错误的,for后面不能接第二个比较对象。







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