【GMAT语法SC大全】连词and yet前加逗号用法语法点真题分析
- 2016年03月29日11:51 来源:小站整理
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GMAT语法,又叫句子改错(sentence correction),是整个GMAT语文(VERBAL)三大题型中难度最高却也最容易提分的题型。说它难度高,是因为英语语法向来是中国考生的软肋,特别是对于英语基础不扎实的考生来说可谓老大难问题。至于提分容易,则是因为比起出题思路天马行空、文章难度高深莫测且基本没有规律可循的阅读和逻辑来说,GMAT语法无论是考点还是难度,都更有规律,花费同样时间精力复习往往提升更为明显。如果考生们还想更多了解别的语法点,请点这里!
GMAT语法大百科每日语法点:连词and yet前加逗号的用法说明
1. and连接parts of sentences前面不一定add逗号
Theoretically, this
convection would carry the continental plates along as though they were on a conveyor
belt and would provide the forces needed to produce the split
that occurs along the ridge.
(1)and 连接两个句子,主语一致省略,但前面并没有用逗号隔开!
The enclosed seas are an important feature of the earth’s surface,
and seriously require explanation because, in addition to the
enclosed seas that are developing at present behind island arcs, there are a
number of older ones of possibly similar origin, such as the Gulf of Mexico,
the Black Sea, and perhaps the North Sea.
(2)and 连接两个句子,主语一致省略,但前面用逗号隔开了!
2.两个分别有独立主谓结构的并列句子中间用and连接, and前必须有逗号
GMAT高频连词and yet前加逗号用法实例讲解
Bankers require that the financial information presented to them by mortgage applicants be complete and follow a prescribed format.
(A) be complete and follow a prescribed format
(B) is complete and it follows a prescribed format
(C) be complete and a prescribed format is followed
(D) to be complete and a prescribed format be following
(E) be completed, and it followed a prescribed format
In choices A and C, it intrudes between the halves of the compound verb has moved... and draws to introduce a new grammatical subject, thereby creating a run-on sentence:the inclusion of it requires a comma after classics to set off the new independent clause (以此类推,and 连接并列句,如果第二句中出现主语的话,则and前一定要有逗号隔开).