- 2016年03月15日11:00 来源:小站整理
- 参与(2) 阅读(14782)
GMAT语法,又叫句子改错(sentence correction),是整个GMAT语文(VERBAL)三大题型中难度最高却也最容易提分的题型。说它难度高,是因为英语语法向来是中国考生的软肋,特别是对于英语基础不扎实的考生来说可谓老大难问题。至于提分容易,则是因为比起出题思路天马行空、文章难度高深莫测且基本没有规律可循的阅读和逻辑来说,GMAT语法无论是考点还是难度,都更有规律,花费同样时间精力复习往往提升更为明显。如果考生们还想更多了解别的语法点,请点这里!
with的复合结构表行为方式或伴随情况:with + n/pron + adj
1.伴随状态(如上面的with表拥有某物,with 表原因或理由等),主要强调所处于的状态,一般在句中作状语,定语)
The girl with golden hair ;a man with a lot of money;
2.with有“和,与”的意思,for example: make friends with sb;play with sb;talk with sb, agree with sb等
3.with有表示方式的用法: write with pen;cut with knife等
4.with最常用的句式:with+宾语+宾补(宾补可用形容词,动词ing形式,不定式to do 形式,介词短语等等)
With all his money and fame,he is not happy .
In the early part of the twentieth century, many vacationers found that driving automobiles and sleeping in tents allowed them to enjoy nature close at hand and tour at their own pace, with none of the restrictions of passenger trains and railroad timetables or with the formalities, expenses, and impersonality of hotels.
A. with none of the restrictions of passenger trains and railroad timetables or with the
B. with none of the restrictions of passenger trains, railroad timetables, nor
C. without the restrictions of passenger trains and railroad timetables nor
D. without the restrictions of passenger trains and railroad timetables or with the
E. without the restrictions of passenger trains and railroad timetables or the
首先,AB选项故意将without A or B改写成with none of
CD都是错误的without A or B的用法
【GMAT语法大百科】must和have to语法点真题分析