- 2016年03月08日09:48 来源:小站整理
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GMAT语法,又叫句子改错(sentence correction),是整个GMAT语文(VERBAL)三大题型中难度最高却也最容易提分的题型。说它难度高,是因为英语语法向来是中国考生的软肋,特别是对于英语基础不扎实的考生来说可谓老大难问题。至于提分容易,则是因为比起出题思路天马行空、文章难度高深莫测且基本没有规律可循的阅读和逻辑来说,GMAT语法无论是考点还是难度,都更有规律,花费同样时间精力复习往往提升更为明显。如果考生们还想更多了解别的语法点,请点这里!
more/ less/ adj+er than
1. 主语比较
(1) than前若有宾语,则其后的助词需补出,时态要据后定。主语相同可省
(2) than前只有BE + ADJ,则其后的主语无须补助词。
(3) than前有两个动词,比较主语无须补助词。
(4) than后名词前的介词要补出
2. 宾语比较,一般加that/those
A large rise in the number of housing starts in the coming year should boost new construction dollars by several billion dollars, making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago.
(A) making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(B) and make the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(C) making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than it was five years ago
(D) to make the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(E) in making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than it as five years ago
然后我们可以把题的结构简单改为:A large rise in the number of housing starts will make the economic health more robust than ....
1. 如果than后面是"it was five years ago", 句子比较的是经济状态,意思是"比5年前的经济更robust";
2. 如果than后面是"did it five years ago", 句子则强调动作,意思变成"5年前即使得经济很robust,如今则更甚"
如果省略it was会引起歧义