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2015年06月23日15:41 来源:小站整理
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GMAT句子改错题(sentence correction),是整个GMAT考试中对考生英语语法能力考查要求最高的题型,也往往是中国学生最为头疼的一类题目。没有扎实的语法基础和一定的逻辑分析能力,想要做好句子改错题难度极高。如何提升GMAT句子改错题的解题能力?下面小编就为大家整理了一些经典例题,结合实例分析为大家讲解GMAT句子改错题的解题思路和方法技巧。



Sales of wines declined in the late 1980s, but they began to grow again after the 1991 report that linked moderate consumption of alcohol, and particularly of red wine, with a reduced risk of heart disease.

(A) they began to grow again after the 1991 report that linked moderate consumption of alcohol, and particularly of red wine, with a reduced risk of heart disease

(B) after the 1991 report that linked a reduced risk of heart disease with a moderate alcohol consumption, particularly red wine, they began growing again

(C) in a 1991 report, moderate alcohol consumption, and particularly of red wine, which was linked with a reduced risk of heart disease, caused them to begin to grow again

(D) with a reduced risk of heart disease linked in a 1991 report with moderate alcohol consumption, in particular red wine, they began growing again

(E) a reduced risk of heart disease linked to moderate alcohol consumption in a 1991 report, and in particular red wine, started them growing again



(A)they began to grow again after the 1991 report that linked moderate consumption of alcohol, and particularly of red wine, with a reduced risk of heart disease

【正确】 代词“they”出现在主谓结构“they began to grow again”的主语部分,因此根据“平行指代优先”原则可以明确地指代另一个主谓结构“Sales of wines declined in the late 1980s”的主语“Sales”。“of alcohol”和“of red wine”正确地用“and”平行在一起连接在“consumption”之后。“particularly”是介词短语“red wine”的修饰语,相当于“especially”。

【大意】 酒的销售额在20世纪80年代曾下滑,但在1991年一份报告将适度的酒精摄入,尤其是红酒的摄入与低心脏病风险联系起来后,他们(销售额)又开始增长。

(B)after the 1991 report that linked a reduced risk of heart disease with a moderate alcohol consumption, particularly red wine, they began growing again

【错误】 修饰成分:与形容词“particular”不同“particularly”是副词,不能做名词“red wine”的修饰语,而可以向(A)中那样作介词短语“of red wine”的修饰语。

(C)in a 1991 report, moderate alcohol consumption, and particularly of red wine, which was linked with a reduced risk of heart disease, caused them to begin to grow again

【错误1】 平行结构:“particularly of red wine”与“moderate alcohol consumption”两者逻辑含义不对等,不应用“and”平行在一起。

【错误2】 修饰成分:在GMAT考察的标准书面英语中,定语(名词的修饰语)与修饰对象之间的跳跃修饰(两者之间间隔其他结构)逊于能够合理避免跳跃修饰的选项。“which was linked with……”本意上跳跃修饰“moderate alcohol consumption”,但语法上完全可以修饰“red wine”。

【错误3】 句子意思:“moderate alcohol consumption”本不应是“caused them to begin to grow again”,并不是“适度的酒精摄入”导致酒水销售量再次增长。

(D)with a reduced risk of heart disease linked in a 1991 report with moderate alcohol consumption, in particular red wine, they began growing again

【错误】 修饰成分:“particular ”在本选项中修饰“red wine”表意为“摄入一种特殊的红酒(与较低的患心脏病的风险关联)”,表意并不合理。

(E)a reduced risk of heart disease linked to moderate alcohol consumption in a 1991 report, and in particular red wine, started them growing again

【错误】 修饰成分:见(D)。







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