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- 2020年08月18日13:44 来源:小站整理
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Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese, which breed in the Arctic and are displacing birds of less vigorous species. Although snow geese are a popular quarry for hunters in the southern regions where they winter, the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent, according to official estimates. Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species to recover.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?
A Hunting limits for snow geese were imposed many years ago in response to a sharp decline in the population of snow geese.
B It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date.
C The number of snow geese taken by hunters each year has grown every year for several years.
D As their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons.
E In the snow goose's winter habitats, the goose faces no significant natural predation.
A 打猎限制是因为N年前雪鹅数量锐减而强制加上的。无关选项,不选。
B 这个限制N年没生效了(意思是N年里猎人都没有在狩猎季打掉过超过5%的雪鹅,也就是说本来就没能力消灭掉5%的雪鹅,所以这个限制取不取消都一样,无法让猎人去打猎更多雪鹅,切断了逻辑联系,正确选项。
C 每年被猎人打掉的雪鹅逐年增加。这个反而是加强作者观点的选项,不选。
D 随着数量增加,雪鹅开始拓展新的过冬地点。因为有雪鹅跑到其他过冬地点去了,所以你这边打的多也没用。削弱了作者观点,但不如B程度严重。毕竟还是会有一部分留在原地的。
E 冬季繁殖期,雪鹅没有很严重的天敌威胁。无关选项,不选。