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GMAT句子改错题(sentence correction),是整个GMAT考试中对考生英语语法能力考查要求最高的题型,也往往是中国学生最为头疼的一类题目。没有扎实的语法基础和一定的逻辑分析能力,想要做好句子改错题难度极高。如何提升GMAT句子改错题的解题能力?下面小编就为大家整理了一些经典例题,结合实例分析为大家讲解GMAT句子改错题的解题思路和方法技巧。


One of the primary distinctions between our intelligence with that of other primates may lay not so much in any specific skill but in our ability to extend knowledge gained in one context to new and different ones.

(A) between our intelligence with that of other primates may lay not so much in any specific skill but

(B) between our intelligence with that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill but instead

(C) between our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill as

(D) our intelligence has from that of other primates may lie not in any specific skill as

(E) of our intelligence to that of other primates may lay not in any specific skill but


(A)between our intelligence with that of other primates may lay not so much in any specific skill but

【错误】 平行结构:不存在“between X with Y”的平行结构,应使用“between X and Y”。

(B)between our intelligence with that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill but instead

【错误】 平行结构:见(A)。

(C)between our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill as

【正确】 “between our intelligence and that (类指‘intelligence’)of other primates”正确使用了“between X with Y”的平行结构。“in any specific specific skill”和“in our ability”是比较句式“as(so)……as……”中两个平行可比的部分。

【大意】 人与其他灵长类动物的区别之一不在于任何特殊级技能而在于拓展应用知识的能力。

(D)our intelligence has from that of other primates may lie not in any specific skill as

【错误】 比较结构:未使用“as(否定句中可换为so)……as……”的比较句式,因此表达不了“人与其他灵长类动物的区别不在于任何特殊级技能而在于拓展应用知识的能力”的含义,而只能表达“人与其他灵长类动物的区别不在于任何特殊级技能,就像在于拓展应用知识的能力”的含义。

(E)of our intelligence to that of other primates may lay not in any specific skill but

【错误】 比较结构:见(D)。


(A)、(B)没有正确使用“between X and Y”的平行结构,立即排除。


