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GMAT语法题,又称句子改错题(sentence correction),是整个GMAT考试中对考生英语语法能力考查要求最高的题型,也往往是中国学生最为头疼的一类题目。没有扎实的语法基础和一定的逻辑分析能力,想要做好语法题难度极高。怎样做好GMAT语法题?下面小编就通过一些经典真题的实例解析,为大家全面讲解GMAT语法题的解题思路和方法技巧。


When Congress reconvenes, some newly elected members from rural states will try and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are to be allowed to grow and to encourage more aggressive sales of United States farm products overseas.

(A) and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are to be allowed to grow and to encourage

(B) and establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain able to be grown by farmers and encouraging

(C) establishing tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are allowed to grow and to encourage

(D) to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain capable of being grown by farmers and encouraging

(E) to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain farmers will be allowed to grow and to encourage


(A)and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are to be allowed to grow and to encourage

【错误】 平行结构:根据语法的要求,“try”和“establish”用“and”平行在一起,但两者并不是对等的概念——应该是“试着去做”而不是“边试边做”。语义上,“to encourage”应和“establish”平行,表示“try”(“尝试”)的两件事,但两者语法功能不一致,无法平行。

(B)and establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain able to be grown by farmers and encouraging

【错误】 平行结构:见(A)。

固定搭配:不存在“able to be done”表达“有能力被怎样”的用法。

(C)establishing tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are allowed to grow and to encourage

【错误】 平行结构:类似地,见(A),“to encourage”和“establishing”无法平行。

(D)to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain capable of being grown by farmers and encouraging

【错误1】 平行结构:类似地,见(A)中(1),“encouraging ”和“to establish”无法平行。

【错误2】 固定搭配:不存在“capable of being done”表达“有能力被怎样”的用法。

(E)to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain farmers will be allowed to grow and to encourage

【正确】 “try to establish”是正确搭配且表意合理,“to establish”和“to encourage”正确地用“and”平行在一起。

【大意】 当一会召开时,从农业州来的刚被选举的成员会努力建立对农民本允许种植的粮食的数量进行的更加严格的限制,并鼓励更加攻击性的美国农产品外销。


只有(E)选项正确使用了平行结构——“try”和“establish”不应平行,“to establish”和“to encourage”,因此选择(E)。
